Imaging applications: Our machine park offers a wide spectrum of imaging applications for materials, time-lapse recording, slide-scanning, climate control (temperature, humidity, CO2/O2), Fluorescent Life-time Imaging Microscopy (FLIM) & time-gated acquisition, Laser Assisted Microdissection & Fluorescent Recovery After Photobleach (FRAP), Multi-angle (360°) TIRF, Super resolution (Airyscan I & II, SORA, SRRF-stream, SIM, SMLM), Second Harmonics Generation Microscopy (SHG), Wavelength profiling (excitation & emission Lambda scans) → explore all available applications on our Equipment & Technology page
Teach and Tech: The Imaging & Optics Facility further provides trainings, courses, instrument demonstrations, workshops and is involved in outreach events (IOF events page). We offer advanced expertise in Fluorescence-assisted Flow-Cell Cytometry services, custom Image Analysis (deconvolution, scripting, machine learning), project based imaging automation (feedback microscopy) solutions on a broad selection of imaging platforms and custom optical development services.