IOF Data Policy

Data Life Cycle

Data-storage is expensive: please consider the need and duration of storing your (large) data. Similarly, delete data that is of no need or has aged beyond need.

1. Create on IOF system

2. Store data on D:// local ↔ sync to scratch 4 (read only)

3. Use data for image processing (own drive / group drive)

4. Share your data (colleagues / collaborators)

5. Archive data you done use

6. Delete data you done need (anymore)

! consider on each step → Does my data needs longer storage?

Overall Data Guidelines
  1. The computers of the Imaging and Optics Facility should not be used for data storage: all acquired data is synchronized to the “scratch-drive*“, and is to be moved to on your own- or group- file-server for image processing.
  2. The use of USB data-carriers is strictly forbidden on all Imaging and Optics Facility instrumentation, including Analysis Workstations!
  3. All data is to be saved on the intended local data drives (D://DATA/yourgrp/yourfolder/… ) during acquisition and image analysis. Any data stored on the system desktop will be deleted!
  4. Never save any data on C-drive of the Imaging and Optics Facility microscope and analysis computers. Data and user profiles on C-drive (and desktop) slow down system performance significantly. data on C-drives will be delete by an automated script. Ignoring this warning will result in permanent data loss.
  5. Data on microscope and analysis computers are not backed-up, but are synchronized to the “scratch-drive*  move your data to your file-server as soon as you are done with the acquisition. D://DATA/yourgrp/yourfolder/… (Do not make any addition folders in the D://DATA folder – they are not synchronized!)
  6. Locally stored data will be deleted after synchronization to the scratch-drive (max 7 days on system PC). It is greatly appreciated when you save us this work and delete them by yourself!
  7. Data older than 30 days will be deleted from the scratch-drive.
  8. Be aware that data stored on the local drive of a microscope and analysis computers can be accessed and deleted by any other user if there is not have enough space to record new experiment-data.
  9. he Imaging and Optics Facility is not responsible for any data loss due to prolonged storage, i.e. data loss that occurred not immediately during your booked acquisition slot.

In short: backup your data immediately and do not rely on our computers as data storage spaces!

* Scratch4: a central data processing drive

How to: connect to Scratch4


Our system computers and analysis workstation are all connected to a network drive named ‘scratch4 ‘. This allows all generated data to be pulled-in without the need to copy manually. This saves you a lot of time. However, data transfer does take time and the system PCs need to reed to be on for that matter. Please use the shut-down delay scripts for that matter. Importantly, data older than 30 days (last saving date) will automatically be deleted.

Instructions on how you can retrieve your data:

Obtaining access to groups-folders on Scratch

Access to scratch is mediated by IT and ruled by group policies as for group-drives: if a user has access to a group-drive, also access to the respective group-folder is granted.

For (rotational) students who do not have access to an group-drives yet (e.g. belong to GradSchool in ICP Unit/Org), it is required to request access to the group drive with IT Support, including the direct approval of the PI.

Data transfer takes significant time ← how fast is your internet connection ← how fast is your connection to the ISTA

Please be aware that transfer of data takes significant time: you can test the speed of data-transfer of any microscope workstation by using the speed-docker.

Please use the “delayed shutdown shortcut’ to allow sufficient  time to copy your data when you are the last user of a system.

!!! Reduced Data-safe period !!!

For some systems we were forced to reduce the system-PC storage time to only 2 weeks! Please make sure that you have your data within this time!

At the moment, these Systems are: Nikon Ti2e 01,02 and 03; Nikon CSU-W1-01, 02 and 03.