BIF update wk17, 2020: restart

Dear colleagues,

After 1,5 weeks of systems checks and preparation, we are ready for restart. BIF has started all systems that were booked from 13h this Monday morning, to be able to resolve any issues with 1st startups that might occur.

  • Before you start: please take note of our guidelines → BIF-COVID-19 website. The guidelines need to confirmed in PPMS (BIF-COVID-19  guidelines document), else we cancel your bookings.
  • We ask you to leave the microscope rooms between 9 and 10 a.m., while we do our daily morning checks. Please take this into account with your experiment planning.

BIF REMOTE SUPPORT: Please consider the following options and evaluate what kind or remote support fit your requirements:

  1. BIF-webpage: all system information and manuals can be found on our webpage (tip: use the search option)*
  2. BIF-Incident: please report any incidents in ppms → how to
  3. BIF-support chat: in case you require remote assistance on a BIF system (log-on required, we can also look at your settings from remote!) →,
  4. BIF-support hotline: in case you get stuck with startup, or your issue can not be resolved via chat → +43664 88326311 (during core facility hours)
  5. BIF general

BIF IMAGE & MOVIE COMPETITION:  share your scientific art with the IST community → IST Austria BioImaging image & video contest


  • Dragonfly & Leica SP8 inverted FALCON will become available from week 18 → we are installing new systems in the room.
  • Dragonfly and MP systems will initially only be available during core facility hours!
  • LSM880 upright & LSM880 inverted → Argon lasers are low – please use the laser slider and adjust it in the software. Lasers will be replaced by Zeiss in mid May.


  • Adobe Photoshop: this service is provided by IT on W10, but currently there are issues with license availability (IT is working on a solution). As an intermediate solution -> Adobe provides free licenses until May.

* Did you discover a typo, found a dead link, or do you miss  information  on our webpage → we always appreciate feedback on the information we make available: