DEMO: Olympus VS200 slide scanner, 19-31 July 2021

July 19, 2021 @ 10:00 – July 31, 2021 @ 16:00
ISTA campus - Imaging & Optics Facility

The Bioimaging Facility at IST Austria is hosting a demonstration of the Olympus VS200, another high-throughput slide scanning system.

Benefits of this system:

  • Flexibility to use dry, silicone oil or oil objectives
  • Automatic oil dispenser
  • Possibility to manually adjust and place focus points
  • Separate slide holder for 210 slides that can be (un)loaded during imaging
  • Priority scanning: stops batch scan to image important single scan and resumes batch scan afterwards


DEMO SCHEDULE:  The system will be installed on the 19.07.2021 and subsequently will be available for testing for two weeks until 31.07. in Lab building West (room i21.U1.027)

Contact if you’re interested in testing out your slides!


  • Capacity: 35 slide trays with 210 slides maximum
  • Software:
    • Automatic sample detection
    • Multiple magnifications in one picture
    • Automatic barcode reading
    • Extended Focus Imaging
  • Observation methods:
    • Fluorescence
    • Brightfield
    • Darkfield
    • Phase contrast
    • Motorized polarization
  • Objectives:
    • Air objectives: 2x, 4x, 10x/0.4NA, 20x/0.8NA, 40x/0.95NA
    • Oil objectives: 40x/1.4NA
    • automatic oil dispenser
  • Illumination: Excelitas X-cite and motorized filter wheels for DAPI, FITC, Cy3, Cy5, C7 and similar dyes/fluorophores
  • Cameras
    • Color: IDS 264C
    • Fluorescence: IDS 304M (up-gradable to Orca Flash 4.0/Fusion/Fusion BT)
  • Additional optional modules:
    • Deep learning segmentation
    • 3D deconvolution
    • Image analysis
    • Image format converter