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January 15, 2025 – March 31, 2025 all-day
Moonstone Building: room I24.U1.031
Am campus 1
3400, Klosterneuburg
Am campus 1
3400, Klosterneuburg
Demonstration of the Nikon AX-R confocal microscope with N-SPARC detector
Location: ISTA Klosterneuburg, Austria
Target Group: Researchers who are interested in high efficiency advanced confocal microscope, with elaborate automation options to improve reproducibility, throughput and implement 3rd party hardware (micro-fluidics / -manipulators, etc,…) – as well as researchers who have an interest to transfer experiments from the ISTA/IOF Nikon machine park to confocal platform.
The Nikon AX-R demo-system will be operated by IOF staff – and friends – to ensure a most efficient to explore the possibilities of the setup. Use of the system is free of charge.
Key Hardware Features:
- Fully motorized Ti2-E inverted Microscope: Including Perfect Focus System
- AXR Confocal Scanner: with large field of view for imaging ultra-fine details and Resonant Scanner with large field of view for fast and gentle imaging
- Laser Lines: 6 VIS laser lines: 405, 445, 488, 514, 561, 640 nm and NIR laser line: 730 nm
- Z-Piezo: 600µm Z-Piezo
- Tuneable Confocal Detector: 4 channel flexible tunable confocal detector for flexible imaging
- NSPARC Detector: for high resolution imaging
- Objectives: CFI Plan Apochromat Lambda D (4X, 10X, 20X, 40X, 60X Oil, 100X Oil) and CFI Plan Apochromat Lambda S 25X and 40X Silicone Oil objectives
- Illumination: CoolLED pE-300 White with DAPI, FITC, TRITC Filtercube for sample finding
- Software: NIS Version 6.10.01
Potential Applications:
- High Resolution Imaging: Diffraction-limited confocal imaging via pinhole and ISM-based high-resolution imaging via NSPARC
- Live Cell Imaging: Fast and gentle with resonant scanner and high-speed z-stacking with triggered Piezo
- Spectral Detection: Via tunable detectors
- High Throughput Applications: Well plates, tissue samples, multi-point, intelligent acquisition
Seminars / workshop:
- This prolonged system demonstration will be joined with an additional “Nikon NIS Automation” workshop planned for March 2025. This workshop is aimed to train researchers for autonomous use of software based automation and supervised implementation of 3rd party hardware, using Nikon JOBS and Macro. Attendees of this workshop training will benefit by being able to optimally set up advanced automation routines using the newest automation features from Nikon NIS.
Schedule: request a slot