The Imaging and Optics Facility is expanding its equipment park with the addition of an Impetux SENSOCELL Optical Trap system.
The Impetux Sensocell makes use of a unique technology that enables mechanical measurements to be conducted without the need for calibration steps allowing for force probing assays under in-vivo conditions. The system will be integrated with a new Crest Optics X-Light V3 high-speed Spinning Disk microscope.this
This hybrid demonstration will showcasing real applications on the new setup (after its installation) – open to all, but also part of the training of the selected trainees.
Dec 19th, 10:00 – 12:00 |
Demonstration: OPTICAL TWEEZERS 2/2. The Impetux SENSOCELL system System features and Application examples Dr. Oriol Nos Aguilà Chief Executive Officer, Impetux
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 694 4106 0065 |
Impetux has a list of recent publications for which this system was used: