IOF courses & workshops

The Imaging and Optics Facility team provides different workshops and courses, next-to-system training, demonstrations and invited seminars.


Besides workshops, trainings and seminars, the Imaging and Optics facility organizes a yearly microscopy course as part of the I.S.T. Austria graduate school pre-semester course program. Students and users of the facility from I.S.T. Austria could register for the course via the graduate school microscopy course IQ-page. A short description of the microscopy can be found on the Graduate school WordPress page (sub-topic others). Registration was obligatory:

    • Participants registered as ‘ students’  join for ECTS credits and have priority for hands-on session and need to complete a test at the end of the course
    • All others participants will need to register as audit students – you can join lectures and we will fill up vacant hands-on spots by order of registration
    • Communication to participants will be done via the the graduate school Moodle platform

Detailed information for this course can be found on our microscopy course page.

WORKSHOPS – Cytometry:

WORKSHOPS – Image Analysis