Automated Widefield microscope with stable environmental control (temperature, CO2) and advanced automation routines (Nikon NIS JOBS and Macro)
Widefield fluorescence microscope with incubation chamber and CO2 mixer available
Location: i06.U1.403
- Timelapse option, motorized stage
- Perfect Focus System (PFS)
- DS-Qi2 monochrome camera
- DIC imaging with 10x, 20x and 40x objectives
- Nikon JOBS software: automation of acquisition
- Plan Fluor 4x/0.2 air
- Plan Fluor 10x/0.3 DIC 1 N1 air PFS
- Plan Apo λ 20x/0.75 DIC 1 air PFS
- Plan Apo λ 40x/0.95 DIC air PFS
Emission filters
- DAPI (LP 425, BP 460/50)
- GFP (LP 495, BP 520/50)
- mCherry (LP 585, BP 630/75)
- Cy5 (LP 669, BP 692/40)
- TripleBand Spectra X (DAPI,GFP, mCherry)
- CFP (LP 458, BP 483/32) – available on request, contact IOF 24h prior to imaging time slot
Lumencor light source with flexible excitation band selection:
- Violet (390/22)
- Blue (438/24)
- Cyan (475/28)
- Teal (513/17)
- Green (549/17)
- Yellow (575/25)
- Red (632/22)
Manual Sliders at TL lamphouse
- Green Interference Filter (GIF) to minimize FL backreflection
- Neutral Density filter (ND8A)
System manual and additional material is available on SeaFile (login required).
Contact: Imaging & Optics Facility
To open ND2 files in FIJI: go to Plugins > Bio-Formats > Bio-Formats Plugins Configuration. Under the tab Formats find Nikon ND2 (it is sorted alphabetically) and disable Use chunkmap table.
If this does not work, try enabling the Nikon reader or different combinations of the last 2 check boxes.
Additional information
Building | i06 |
Camera / Detector | CMOS |
Fluorescent Lightsource | LED: 385-395nm, LED: 430-450nm, LED: 470-475nm, LED: 505-515nm, LED: 545-555nm, LED: 640-650nm |
System_Specification | Illumination: Fluorescence, Illumination: Bightfield, Incubation: heating chamber, Incubation: CO2-gas mixer, Automated Stage, Focus Stabilization, Growth-Light compatible (Rental item) |
Technology / Application | Time-lapse recording, Multi-position, In-vivo imaging |