Sony SH800SFP cell sorter

The Sony SH800SFP is a user operated bench-top Fluorescence Assisted Cell Sorting (FACS) device with semi-automated sorting setup, exchangeable fluidic lines and disposable sorting chip. The Sony SH800SFP can detect up to 6 colors, for a total of 8 parameters. The device allows the collection of up to 2 different populations simultaneously. Sort setup is fully automated and we aim that users can be trained to operate the device 24/7.

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Location: BFB, room I04.EG.017

! The Sony SH800SFP can be used without the presence of a facility staff, however, a thorough training by the Imaging and Optics Facility is mandatory! Please book your training here. All users of the SH800SFP start as novice users (system can only be used during core facility hours – see usage policy listed below and the Cytometry Usage Guidelines.  The option to become autonomous user of the Sony SH800SFP  is evaluated by BIF personnel after an initial novice period of ~5 independent sessions without the need of help/assistance. An independent session must include a full startup incl. calibration, sample analysis or sorting, cleaning and shutdown.

! This device requires additional consumables that need to be purchased by the user before the experiment starts:

  • sorting chips: 70 / 100 / 130 um – you can buy them 1 by 1 from the IST Central Storage, or directly from Sony in boxes containing 40 chips: 70μm / 100μm / 130μm. The price per chip is the same for both options.
  • sample line: Due to previous issues and the resulting instrument damage, sample line exchange can only be performed by Imaging and Optics Facility staff, during normal facility working hours.
    The standard sample line mounted in the device can be used by everyone, for eukaryotic samples only. Bacterial and fungal samples have to be processed with the user’s own sample line – purchase directly from Sony via ISTOS: PEEK sample line
    If you need/wish to use your own sample line, request a sample line exchange in advance via PPMS.

The sorting chip will be supplied for the first training session by the facility, but has to be brought by the user for the second training and for subsequent sessions. It is the user’s responsibility to make sure a new chip is available at the beginning of their session.

Device specifications:

Lasers: 405 nm, 488 nm, 561 nm and 638 nm

Beam spot: 1 (!necessary to compensate between dyes with overlapping emission spectra!)

Detectors: FSC, BSC (back-scatter, equivalent to side scatter), 6 PMTs for fluorescent signal detection

Filter set:

    • FSC and BSC: 488/17
    • Longpass filters: 639LP, 561LP, 487.5LP, 752LP, 685LP
    • Bandpass filters: FL1 450/50, FL2 525/50, FL3 600/60, FL4 665/30, FL5 720/60, FL6 785/60

Filter selection guide by SONY

Nozzle sizes: 70μm, 100μm and 130μm Sorting chips available (ordering: see info above)

Automated setup: chip loading & positioning, optical axis adjustment, droplet calibration, side stream calibration, drop delay calibration and sort monitoring

Sort deposition: 2-way sorting (2 sorted populations + non-sorted)

Sort deposition system: bulk or single-cell sorting into tubes, 6-, 12-, 24-, 48-, 96- and 384-well plates, as well as PCR plates

Index sorting: each deposited event in a multiwell-plate can be tracked back on the scatter-plots.

Sorting modes: 8 different settings for different purity/yield levels, incl. single cell sorting

More information: Sony SH800S cell sorter (external link)

System manual and additional material is available on SeaFile (login required).

Usage guidelines: Sony SH800SFP

All IOF training and usage guidelines apply (see here), in addition to the below listed ones.

Cytometry service hours for assistance and for novice users

  • Monday – Thursday: 8:30 – 17:30
  • Friday: 8:30 – 15:30

Usage policy

  • Novice: All users start with ‘novice usage rights’: Bookings can only be made during the above mentioned cytometry service hours, and need to be confirmed (see guidelines) → Startup, shutdown and sample line exchange must be completed within this timeframe.
  • Autonomous: to book devices outside of core hours “autonomous usage rights” are required. To obtain autonomous user rights on the Sony SH800, one needs to complete 5 independent sessions without need of experimental assistance → incidents due to incorrect use, startup, or shut down procedure might result in a prolongation of the novice period.
  • Contaminating samples: all experiments with potentially contaminating samples (e.g. bacteria) MUST be done with a separate (user owned) sample line. Own sample lines can be used when desired.
  • Sample line exchange: by default, the sample line exchange needs to be requested (see above) and is performed by IOF staff (during core facility hours). Autonomous users can request an additional training (see communication channels) that allows sample line exchange by experienced users.

Assistance & Requests (help, sample line exchange, etc.)

  • To ensure availability of FACS service (novice assistance), your reservation needs to be made minimal two working days in advance of your experiment (i.e., Monday for Wednesday etc.). Only when service is booked in timely in advance, can we guarantee that service will be provided. (Weekend days count as one day- i.e. , you have to book on Friday to ensure service on Monday.). Make sure to book assistance using the correct form in PPMS: Request assistance by IOF staff for Flow Cytometry
  • Assistance/session is guaranteed upon confirmation of your request or booking (PPMS – novices).

End of a session / shutdown Sony SH800SFP

  • Cleaning and shutdown protocol must be followed strictly and completely → Tab 4 in the manual
  • Clean the sample chamber and sorting chamber with 70% EtOH → ensure that any sample remains and salt crystals are removed, especially from the deflection plates
  • Refill DI water reservoir after every session
  • Empty waste tank after every session
  • Shut down the main device, PC and compressor completely, unless you are directly approached by the next user → Tab 4 in the manual
  • The last user of the day must refill the sheath tank with PBS to the level indicated on the tank (yellow label)

Additional information

